Törner, G. (2014). Underqualified Mathematics Teachers or Out-of-Field-Teaching in Mathematics in Germany - The Cultural Framework. In L. Hobbs & G. Törner (Hrsg.), TAKING AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON "OUT-OF-FIELD" TEACHING: Proceedings and Agenda for Research and Action from the 1st Teaching Across Specialisations (TAS) Collective Symposium, S. 15–16. Portugal.
Online First: 
Törner, G. (2014). Underqualified Mathematics Teachers or Out-of-Field-Teaching in Mathematics in Germany - The Cultural Framework. In L. Hobbs & G. Törner (Hrsg.), TAKING AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON "OUT-OF-FIELD" TEACHING: Proceedings and Agenda for Research and Action from the 1st Teaching Across Specialisations (TAS) Collective Symposium, S. 15–16. Portugal.

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